
Saturday November 5, 2016

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Continuing to find my way with my little Sony camera. This image tests flare resistance. I have the remarkably good Zeiss Batis lenses for this camera, the 25mm and 85mm. They are good in every sense, including lovely rendering and good bokeh, and their technical performance is near perfect. Autofocus performance is crisp and positive. I’ve got the camera set up well for my needs and I’m getting past the teething pains adjusting to a new device.

Day 2578 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Warren CT
Warren CT

On this day four years ago (day 1117): Billboard

Big Movie Poster
Big Movie Poster

Sunday October 30, 2016

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I drove up here for the day to check on the progress on construction and to pick up the dogs. Full throated fall foliage.

Day 2572 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


Camp Pendleton

Camp Pendleton
Camp Pendleton

Sunday October 16, 2016

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I shot around home here with my Sony a7rii (which has been converted to infrared light) and my legacy Carl Zeiss 21mm lens to pretty good effect. The first image is the current state of play on the construction of a new bedroom wing on our house.

Day 2558 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Warren CT
Warren CT
Warren CT
Warren CT
Warren CT
Warren CT

On this day seven years ago (day 1!): DuBuffet.

Day one of one picture every day for the rest of my life.
Jean DuBuffet “Four Trees” One Chase Manhattan Plaza

Saturday October 15, 2016

WARREN CONNECTICUT – I shot fall foliage today with my Sony a7rII camera, a camera that I have had converted to infrared light. I shoot without an infrared filter, which results in a less extreme “white leaves” effect. Overall the tonality pretty accurately reflects the impression of autumn here.

Day 2557 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Warren CT
Warren CT
Warren CT
Warren CT
Warren CT
Warren CT

Sunday October 9, 2016

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Still working with my Sony A7rII which has been converted to infrared light. I shoot without an infrared filter, which moderates the “white leaves” effect, which I don’t care for. Still shooting with the 21mm Carl Zeiss Biogen from the 1950s (I had previously reported that this lens was from the 1930s, which seemed unlikely and isn’t accurate, based on further research on my part).

Day 2551 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Warren CT
Warren CT

On this day three years ago (day 1455): The Brook

At the Brook
At the Brook

Saturday October 8, 2016

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Hay bales shot in infra red with and 1932 Carl Zeiss lens.

Day 2550 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Warren CT

On this day last year (day 2184): Theater

Day 2184 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.
New York New York 2015

Sunday September 18, 2016

WARREH CONNECTICUT – Backup generator newly-located away from the house (because it’s noisy).

Day 2530 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Warren Connecticut
Warren Connecticut

On this day six years ago (day 339): London

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