Landscape Urban

Tuesday January 28, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – We saw an apartment in Chelsea this morning that Francesca is interested in. Then I walked to the office. My Fitbit objective is 14,000 steps a day which I can achieve if I walk, rather than take a taxi or subway. Walking also provides photo opportunities. So here we are with the Empire State Building and Citicorp Center reflected in the Lipstick Building. Both caught in good light with my Leica Monochrom and 75mm Asph. Summicron. Several frames (many frames in the case of the Lipstick Building) stitched.

Day 1,566 of one photograph a day for the rest of my life.

Empire State
Empire State
Citicorp reflection
Citicorp reflection

On this day last year: Mustique. From Firefly.

From firefly

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