
Saturday April 23, 2016

WARREN and WASHIINTON CONNECTICUT – Construction at our house and VFW Post in Washington.

Day 2382 of on photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Day 2382 of one photograph every day  for the rest of my  life
Day 2382 of one photograph every day  for the rest of my  life

On this day six years ago (day 191):Manhattan

On this day six years ago day 191

Friday April 22, 2016

WARREN CONNECTCUT – We’re adding two bedrooms to our house here. Construction started this week with digging a new well – the expanded footprint will run over our old well. Pretty meh picture.

Day 2381 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Day 2381 of one photograph  every day for the rest of my life
Well head

On this day five years ago (day 555): 798 Art District

Day 555 of one photograph every day for the rest of my llife
Kendall Geers at Galeria Continua in 798 Art District
Culture Landscape Urban

Thursday April 21, 2016

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I showed up at 30 Rock today to take a look at the Van Gogh’s Ear installation, a swimming pool tipped up on end. Cool but poor light so I went home with only a poor image. I caught some reflected light on Park Avenue on my way home.

Day 2380 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Day 2380 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Van Gogh’s Ear
Day 2380 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
World Headquarters

On this day two years ago (day 1649): Reservoir

Day 1649 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life
Central Park Reservoir
Landscape Urban

Wednesday April 20, 2016

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A pretty good look up today. Taken with my Leica Monochrom with a dual range Summicron lens from the 1950s.

Day 2379 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Day 2379 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Abstract look up
Day 2379 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

This day three years ago (day 2373):

Landscape Urban

Tuesday April 19, 2016

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A truly good day today on Fifth and Park Avenues in soft light. All images shot with a 1958 Dual Range Summicron lens (50mm), which has a lovely signature, on my Leica Monochrom camera.

Day 2378 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Day 2378 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Day 2378 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Park Avenue
Day 2378 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Day 2378 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Day 2378 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

On this day two years ago (day 1648): New Preston Church.

Day 1648 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
New Preston Congregational Meeting House
Landscape Transportation Urban

Monday April 18, 2016

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I made it down to the World Trade Center today, where the light, like the air, was very hot. I had trouble sorting down to a single image so you’re stuck with a mini gallery. All shot with my Leica Monochrom and a variety of lenses, mostly an 18mm Super-Elmar and 75mm Summichron.

Day 2377 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Day 2377 9f 9he photograph every day for the rest of my life.
World Trade Center II
Day 2377 9f 9he photograph every day for the rest of my life.
World Trade Center II
Day 2377 9f 9he photograph every day for the rest of my life.
World Trade Center II
Day 2377 9f 9he photograph every day for the rest of my life.
World Trade Center II

On this day five years ago (day 551): Shanghai Tang. Originally in color, but stronger in black and white.

Day 551 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Shanghai Tank

Sunday April 17, 2016

NEW YORK NEW YORK – This happens every year: I find myself in Central Park documenting Spring, trying to put an edge on it.

Day 2376 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Day 2376 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Central Park

Day 2376 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

On this day five years ago (day 550): Hongqiao

Day 550 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Hongqiuo Rail Terminal
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