
Tuesday March 6, 2018

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – Up here for two days of meetings. I managed to get out to explore some alleys and a large piece of public trompe-l’œil.

Day 3064 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this day seven years ago (day 507): Rain

Day 509 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.
Rain, rain go away
Landscape Transportation Urban

Monday March 5, 2018

THE BRONX NEW YORK – Another distracted day – travel by train to Boston. Here is an out-the-train window.

Day 3063 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Bronx New York

On this day four years ago (day 1602 of one photo every day): Turks and Caicos Islands Maria on her way to a dive.

Maria takes a dive
Maria takes a dive
Architecture Landscape Monuments

Tuesday February 27, 2018

AJABGARH INDIA – We have made the longish trip across India to Rajasthan to stay at a Aman resort here, the Amangarh. The idea is to actually rest from the rigors of the earlier part of the trip before the long flight home. There is actually a Pompeii sized ruin not far from here at Bhangarh, where I spent the morning.

Day 3057 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Bhangarth India
Bhangarth India
Bhangarth India
Ajabgarh India

On this date eight years ago (day 135 of one photo every day): Richard

Richard Cohen

Sunday February 25, 2018

VARANASI INDIA – We spent today on foot in the alleys of this ancient city.

Day 2055 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this day eight years ago (day 133 of one photo every day): Madison Square

Madison Square

Wednesday February 21, 2018

MAHESHWAR INDIA – A dreaded travel day – most of the day was spent traveling the full width of the Indiian subcontinent to Calcutta, our next stop. I managed to shot the parapet of the tower where we did our morning yoga before leaving. Not much going on.

Day 3051 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Parapet Ajilya Fort

On this day three years ago (day 1955 of one photo every day): Heavy snow in nightlight


Monday February 19, 2018

MANDU INDIA – Mandu is a ruined city of lakes and pavilions about an hour’s drive from Maheshwar built in the early Fifteenth Century and abandoned in the early period of the Mughal Empire at the beginning of the Sixteenth Century. There were vast, complex waterworks which are dry today, at least in the non-rainy season.

Later in the day we attended the music festival at Ahilya Fort which is owned by this area’s Maharaja, Richard Holkar, who had an American mother and was educated in America.

Day 3049 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life. This is one of those days when it was hard to get down to one.

Mandu India

Mandu India
Mandu India
Ahilya Fort Music festival
Ahilya Fort – Richard Holkar
Ahilya Fort

On this date eight years ago (day 127): A pinhole image out my window converted to black and white.

Pinhole image out my window

Saturday February 17, 2017

DELHI INDIA – I spent the night here after a 14 hour flight from Newark, getting some rest before joining Maria and friends in Maheshwar, a small town three hours drive from Indore, which I’ll be flying to tomorrow morning. At Maheshwar we’ll be staying at the ancient Ahilya Fort on the Narnada River and attending an Indian classical music festival. This is out the window of the airport Hyatt.

Day 3047 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

On this day five years ago (day 1221): Straight up in the dark. The fact that day 1221 is a palindrome is the only interesting thing that’s happened in my whole history of shooting on February 17. Looking up at night, hand held.

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