Landscape Urban

Tuesday March 13, 2012

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – Bach here in Boston for some meetings. Captured out my hotel room window with my Sony Nex-7.

Dusk in Beantown
Dusk in Beantown

On this day last year: Tree.

Tree up close
Tree up close
Landscape Urban

Wednesday November 16, 2011

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – A Boston-themed date. I find myself in Boston taking a walk at sunrise with my little Ricoh GRD IV. Not an ideal camera for sunrises but there is a small voice in my head that urges me to violate the “horses for courses” rule. Here’s Boston Harbor:

Boston Harbor
Boston Harbor

On this day last year: wing of the Boston Shuttle. I was . . . on my way to Boston.

US AIr Shuttle 6:15 AM
November 16, 2010
Landscape Urban

Tuesday July 12, 2011

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – I managed to get myself to Boston for a day of meetings, despite being still slightly under the weather. I managed to find an hour to walk around the World Trade Center. Taken with my Panasonic GH2 and a 14mm pancake lens.

The Big Dig gains some native roses
The Big Dig gains some native roses
Boston Coach
Boston Coach

On this day one year ago: view from Centolire.

East 86th Street
Garden Landscape Urban

Tuesday June 14, 2011

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – I managed a quick walk in the rain in downtown Boston before being sucked into daylong meetings. I captured this in the small park across from the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. It’s an Allium Giganteum, an ornamental onion. I recognized it because we have a lot of them in Warren – because of the savage winters the palette for perennial gardens is fairly limited.

Allium Giganteum
Allium Giganteum

On this day one year ago: Lipstick Building.

Lipstick building
Landscape Urban

Tuesday March 15, 2011

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – I had meetings in Boston on this bright, clear early spring day. Again not much time. This is a conventional image taken with my GH2. I don’t have a very wide lens for it so this is stitched from three frames.


On this day one year ago: Pacing at Citicorp Center. Not a very popular image but on reflection I rather like its claustrophobic feeling.

Citicorp Center
Landscape Urban

Wednesday January 19, 2011

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – A parking area recessed into a building, for some reason painted black. Leica M9 and 35mm Summilux II lens.

World Trade Center Boston
World Trade Center Boston

On this day last year: Boston again.

Landscape Urban

Tuesday January 18, 2011

BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS – My usual monthly business trip to Boston was really bleak. Boston was cold an alternated between snow and freezing rain. This pretty much captures the mood. Leica M9 and 90mm Elmarit lens.

Blizzard Boston
Blizzard Boston

On this day last year: Maria and Luiz Scwarcz at Fatty Crab.

Fatty Crab
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